Last Thursday was an exciting day for me! I got to do something new and fun and it was all because of my husband. Lemme explain...
So one morning I get a text from my hubby letting me know that he is going to sign me up for a female football clinic hosted by AM 1300 The Zone (sports talk radio here in Austin). I said "ok!". It is a clinic to learn the basics of football or brush up on the game if you already know whats going on. I don't know what's going on in football. Half the time the fakey thingy that the QB does with the other dude seriously fakes me out, I have no idea where the ball is but I figure that is good and he is doing a good job. I am usually quite impressed with their fakey thingy skillz. (Does this give you some insight into my lack of football knowledge... yes... ok)
Jimmy is very interested in getting me interested in football. He L.O.V.E.S. the game, it's his FAVORITE sport. I in VERY interested in Longhorn football because I graduated from UT and that is the extent of my interest and concern for this beloved game. Jimmy thinks that if I know what is going on then I will like it as much as he does and I agree that that is probably true! He is very willing to explain things to me when I ask him questions in the middle of a game. And always encourages me to ask, he likes explaining the game. And I think that is awesome because I know some guys could never be interrupted in the middle of a game to explain a play or a penalty to a girl. Hubby = Awesome.
That said... He thought the clinic would be cool. And it was!! It was held in the Samuels Diamonds Lounge at Clear Channel Radio. They had awesome food provided by Newk's Cafe. I had the chicken salad sandwich and their greek salad... YUMMY!! The brownie was phenom and I almost had another but found self control at the last minute!!
Bucky, the host of Buck On Sports morning show, and Rod Babers, host of Sports Buffet, were our hosts for the evening. They talked a little bit about football a lot about football pads... Rod, a former Longhorn player changed into his old uniform at one point. There was Q&A at the end and they explained everything when asked but I will chalk this up to a fun time. I can't say I learned very much about the game but this was the 1st Annual clinic so I am sure the next time they will have a better understanding of time management and content.
Here are some pictures from the clinic!
(I didn't get a picture of Bucky for some reason... I thought I did but not so much...)
The Lounge... it was pretty cool in there.
UT koozies... I took 4. Thank you very much The Zone.
Our Samuels Diamonds gift bags... nope, no diamonds in that bag.
Rod letting us know why men LOVE football so much, it's the super hero complex and a primal thing... apparently.
This is Rod with a jock strap. He didn't use one if you were wondering... yeah neither was I but it was funny. This was during the equipment portion of the evening! hahaa.
Rod after the wardrobe change. Remember the jock strap... yep he is wearing it over his tights!! hahaha!!
The X's and O's of football
Rod Babers and Me
Very cool. Sounds like fun.